First to do the World’s First Specialized flights, until we create a better portfolio and test specialized equipment while filming the project, create a unique marketing and promotional plan, propose an NDA for an innovative project of innovation in aviation to AirBus and Boing companies, and then showcase it during Paris Airshow and Dubai Airshow this year
1. Product/Service Overview:
- What is the product/service?
Specialized flights with cutting-edge aviation technology and equipment aimed at revolutionizing flight experiences.
2. Initial Steps for Market Entry:
- Develop and Test the Specialized Equipment:
Initially, focus on developing and testing specialized equipment while filming the process to build credibility and generate excitement. - Film the Project:
Document the entire process for transparency, showcasing the innovation and advancements in aviation technology. This can help build anticipation and interest in the product.
3. Marketing and Promotion:
- Create a Unique Marketing & Promotional Plan:
- Develop a tailored marketing strategy that emphasizes the groundbreaking nature of the product, showcasing the technological advancements and the unique flight experience.
- Leverage digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and specialized media to create buzz around the project.
4. Partnership and Innovation Proposal:
- Propose an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement):
Approach companies like Airbus and Boeing to present your innovative aviation project. Highlight the opportunity for collaboration and showcase how the project can align with their future business interests.
5. Industry Showcase:
- Participate in Key Aviation Events:
- Present the project at major aviation trade shows such as the Paris Airshow and Dubai Airshow. These events will allow you to directly engage with industry leaders, potential partners, and investors.
- Use these platforms to demonstrate the potential of your specialized flights and the value proposition to the aviation industry.
6. Long-Term Vision and Portfolio Development:
- Build a Comprehensive Portfolio:
As the project progresses, create a portfolio of successful tests, product iterations, and partnerships, helping to position the company as an industry leader in innovative aviation solutions.
This structured approach helps break down the timeline and steps for both the development and marketing of your aviation innovation, while positioning it as a forward-thinking project. It also emphasizes both strategic partnerships and public-facing marketing efforts.
The “runway” in a business context refers to the amount of time a company can operate before it runs out of cash, assuming no additional revenue or investment is acquired. To determine your runway, you need to estimate your cash burn rate (how much money you’re spending per month) and then calculate how long your current funds will last.
Here’s how you can calculate your runway for your aviation innovation project:
1. Estimate Your Monthly Expenses (Cash Burn Rate)
- Development Costs: Costs related to developing and testing specialized equipment, including research, prototyping, and technology.
- Marketing and Promotion: Expenses related to building your marketing strategy, creating promotional content, and attending airshows (Paris, Dubai).
- Operational Costs: Salaries, overhead, logistics, legal fees (e.g., for NDAs with Airbus/Boeing), and other recurring costs.
- Events and Networking: Travel, booth setup, presentation costs at the airshows, and networking opportunities.
2. Estimate Your Available Funds
- Initial Funding: This could include savings, investments from founders, or initial rounds of fundraising.
- Funding Sources: Consider any external funding, grants, or potential partnerships (e.g., from Airbus, Boeing, or other investors).
3. Calculate the Runway
- Formula:
Runway (in months) = Available Funds ÷ Monthly Burn Rate
For example:
- If your monthly burn rate is $50,000 and you currently have $500,000 in funding, your runway would be: Runway=500,00050,000=10 months\text{Runway} = \frac{500,000}{50,000} = 10 \text{ months}
4. Consider Key Milestones
- Your runway will also be impacted by key milestones, such as whether you plan to secure additional funding or revenue during the runway period. If you plan to attract investment or partnerships at events like the Paris and Dubai Airshows, these could extend your runway.
5. Adjustments
- Your runway might need adjustments based on unexpected costs or delays. It’s essential to periodically reevaluate your budget to ensure you’re staying on track.
In summary, calculating your runway involves estimating your monthly expenses and comparing that to your available funds. By doing so, you can plan the timing of key milestones like securing new investments or generating revenue to keep your project going until it becomes self-sustaining.
1. Кратко представяне на проекта
- Описание на сградата: пететажна сграда с пет апартамента, четири гаража, две паркоместа, пет склада и просторни тераси на последните два етажа.
- Цел на проекта: завършване, модернизиране и отдаване под наем или привличане на партньори за co-working пространство.
2. Какво предстои да се завърши?
- Основни строителни дейности:
- Полагане на електрическа инсталация и свързване към мрежата.
- Инсталиране на водопровод и канализация.
- Завършване на замазката, боядисване и поставяне на подови настилки.
- Монтиране на отоплителна и климатична система.
- Довършителни работи:
- Мебелиране на апартаментите с модерни и луксозни мебели.
- Изграждане на перголи и затваряне на терасите на последните два етажа.
3. Потенциал за развитие и използване
- Краткосрочни цели:
- Завършване на строителните дейности след получаването на акт 16.
- Отдаване под наем на апартаментите, гаражите и складовите помещения.
- Дългосрочна визия:
- Създаване на модерно co-working пространство за партньори, използвайки апартаментите и терасите.
- Възможност за събития и инициативи, свързани с Дома на Спасителя на бъдещето.
4. Бизнес модел
- Отдаване под наем:
- Апартаменти: Луксозно обзаведени, с тераси с перголи.
- Гаражи и паркоместа: За живущи или външни клиенти.
- Складове: За нуждите на наемателите или като отделен приходен източник.
- Партньорства за co-working:
- Предоставяне на дългосрочен договор на фирми, които искат да изградят и управляват co-working пространството.
5. Какво търсите?
- Инвестиции или партньорства:
- Финансиране за завършване на проекта.
- Дългосрочни партньори за управление на co-working пространството.
- Идеи за модернизация:
- Устойчиви материали и енергийно ефективни решения.
- Умни технологии за управление на сградата и работните пространства.
6. Потенциална възвръщаемост
- Описание на предимствата:
- Локация.
- Гъвкавост на пространствата за наематели или партньори.
- Дългосрочна стойност на имота чрез модернизация и устойчив дизайн.
Такава структура ще представи плана Ви ясно и ще покаже на потенциални инвеститори или партньори конкретните стъпки, които вече сте предприели, както и визията Ви за развитие.